About Our Criminal Justice Programs
- Criminal justice counselling sessions result in a Completion Report.
- Our report is used by defence counsel as part of their
sentence mitigation strategy.
We believe that behind every behaviour is a story that helps it make sense. We work with defendants to uncover the WHY behind their behaviour.
Therapeutic counselling sessions result in a Completion Report. The Completion Report is used by Defence Counsel as part of a sentence mitigation strategy. Mitigation is a process used during negotiation or at sentencing that allows counsel to effectively present facts about the defendant and provide insight into the WHY for the Judge and or Jury to consider during trial or at sentencing.
How We Work
- Counselling offered through Reconnect Distance Counselling is a combination of insight oriented work, coupled with a cognitive behavioural approach. Individual sessions are customized to the specific needs of each client.
- The number and time of sessions can be customized depending on the circumstances of each individual client. Minimum program length is four (4) sessions, increasing in two (2) session increments to a maximum of twelve (12).
- Upon completion of the program, a completion report will be provided. Additional documents, reports or assessments can be provided upon request.
- Every program is tailored to suit individual circumstances and needs. Language interpreters are available upon request.
- Distance counselling is ideal for those with medical and mobility and court-ordered restrictions. Programs are available via Skype or telephone from virtually anywhere with internet or phone service.
- We attend Institutions to provide Counselling, assessments, and attend Parole
Board Hearings.
- For a list of institutions we will attend and to obtain a copy of our fee structure please contact us.
Benefits to working
with us
The client will explore the following issues with their therapist/counsellor:
- The Principals Of Accountability And Responsibility
- The Relationship Between Character & Reputation
- Implications Of Anti-social Behaviour on Individual, Family & Community
- Impulse Control – Responding Versus Reacting
- Goal Setting & Problem-solving Techniques
- Grief & Shame – Dealing With Stress, Fear & Uncertainty
- Emotional Exploration
- Irrational Self Defeating Beliefs
- Coping Strategies
- Sentence mitigation tool
- Reports provide a human face to the defendant, opening the court to empathy
- Reduction in recidivist behaviour
- Diversion from the correctional stream reducing stress on the system
About Our Programs
Our programs have been accepted by the Ontario Courts in lieu of PAR
- Definitions Of Abuse – Emotional, Physical, Sexual, Intimidation, Coercion
- Aggression Styles
- The Dynamic Of Power & Control
- Societal Belief Systems
- Family Dynamics – Roles & Consequences
- Relationship & Co-dependency Issues
- Truth – Taking Ownership Of One’s Behavior.
- The Rage, Shame Cycle – Defending Scripts
- Decompression Strategies
- Intimacy & Relationships – The Difference Between Respect And Fear
- Healthy Communication Skills
- Benefits Of Compromise Versus Win/Lose Strategies
- Behaviours Consistent With Being Trustworthy
- Definitions Of Abuse Versus Dependency According To Criteria Of DSM-V
- The Role Of Denial In Dependency
- The Implications Of Apathy
- Coping Strategies For Grief & Shame
- Physical & Emotional Tools For Healing
- Stress Management Techniques
- Relapse Prevention Strategies
- Includes A Combination Of Components From The Above Sections
- Addresses The Notion Of Status Associated With Individuals Involved In Anti-social Behaviours
- Challenging Myths – The Reality Of Long-term Consequences
- Identifying Goals Consistent With Integrity
- Strategies For Achieving A Healthy Lifestyle
- Criteria And Counselling Are Dependent On The Nature Of The Specific Allegations.